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Results of the Annual General Meeting

Published: 2022-11-23 17:00:23 ET
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(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1982/011014/06)
Share code: WBO
ISIN: ZAE000009932
(“WBHO or “Company”)


 Shareholders of WBHO (“Shareholders”) are hereby advised that the ordinary and special
 resolutions contained in the Notice of Annual General (“AGM”) dated 21 October 2022 that
 were tabled at the Company’s AGM held on Wednesday, 23 November 2022 at 11:00 were
 passed by the requisite majority of votes cast by WBHO Shareholders with the exception of
 ordinary resolution number 5 (non-binding advisory vote on the company’s implementation
 report on remuneration policy). WBHO confirms the voting statistics from the AGM as follows:

                                                                   %          Number

 Total Number of shares that could be voted at the meeting         100%       59 890 514
 Total number of shares present/represented including proxies at   78.92%     47 266 250
 the meeting

                                      Votes for %        Votes against %     Abstentions %

  Ordinary resolution number 1.1      95.16%             4.84%               0.02%
  Re: election of Mr H Ntene as a
  Ordinary resolution number 1.2      97.03%             2.97%               0.02%
  Re-election of Mr RW Gardiner as
  a director
  Ordinary resolution number 2.       73.25%             26.75%              0.02%
  Re-Appointment of independent
  the auditor
  Ordinary resolution number 3.1      96.87%             3.13%               0.02%
  Appointment of Mr AJ Bester as
  Audit committee member and
Ordinary resolution number 3.2      96.82%            3.18%              0.02%
Appointment of RW Gardiner as
Audit committee member
Ordinary resolution number 3.3      97.04%            2.96%              0.02%
Appointment of Ms KM Forbay as
Audit committee member
Ordinary resolution number 4        94.63%            5.37%              0.03%
Endorsement of remuneration
Ordinary resolution number 5        46.77%            53.23%             0.03%
Endorsement of implementation
report on remuneration policy
Ordinary resolution number 6        84.66%            15.34%             0.02%
Placing unissued shares under
the control of the directors
Ordinary resolution number 7        100%              0.00%              0.02%
Directors’ and/or Company
Secretary authority to implement
special and ordinary resolutions
Special resolution number 1         99.98%            0.02%              0.02%
Approval of directors’ fees for
2022/2023 financial year
Special resolution number 2         91.03%            8.97%              0.02%
Authority to provide financial
assistance in terms of section 44
and 45 of the Act.
Special resolution number 3         100%              0.00%              0.02%
General approval to repurchase
company shares

As a consequence of ordinary resolution number 5 being voted against by more than 25% of
WBHO’s Shareholders represented at the AGM, Shareholders are requested to contact the
Company secretary at by 2 December 2022 so that WBHO can plan to
engage with them to resolve Shareholder concerns. WBHO endeavor to take all steps
necessary to address the concerns raised by the Shareholders.
23 November 2022

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