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Results of the annual general meeting

Published: 2023-04-26 12:15:26 ET
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(Registered in Malta)
(Registration number: C 100848)
JSE share code: LTE
ISIN: MU0461N00015
LEI: 549300UG27SWRF0X2U62
(“Lighthouse” or the “Company”)


Shareholders of the Company are advised that all resolutions tabled at the annual general meeting (“AGM”) of
shareholders held on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 (in terms of the notice of AGM (“Notice of AGM”) dispatched to
shareholders on 28 March 2023), were passed by the requisite majority of shareholders.
Details of the results of voting at the AGM are as follows:
 • total number of Lighthouse shares in issue at the date of the AGM and that could have been voted at the AGM:
   1 698 644 096;
 • total number of Lighthouse shares that were present/represented at the AGM: 1 517 814 010 being 89.35% of the
   total number of Lighthouse shares that could have voted at the AGM.
Terms defined in the Notice of AGM shall bear the same meaning in this announcement.

 Ordinary resolution 1: Receiving and adopting the audited consolidated and separate financial statements for the
 12 months ended 31 December 2022

 Shares voted*                   For                           Against                   Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%      1 516 146 538 being 99.99%    568 being 0.01%           1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 2: Reappointment of the Auditor

 Shares voted*                   For                           Against                   Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%      1 515 140 478 being 99.93%    1 006 628 being 0.07%     1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 3: Authorising Directors to determine the Auditor’s remuneration

 Shares voted*                   For                           Against                   Abstentions^
 1 516 146 377 being 89.26%      1 515 120 304 being 99.93%    1 026 073 being 0.07%     1 667 633 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 4.1: Re-election of Mark Olivier as a Director

 Shares voted*                   For                           Against                   Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%      1 474 467 312 being 97.25%    41 679 794 being 2.75%    1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 4.2: Re-election of Karen Bodenstein as a Director

 Shares voted*                   For                           Against                   Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%      1 474 662 524 being 97.26%    41 484 582 being 2.74%    1 666 904 being 0.10%
 Ordinary resolution 4.3: Re-election of Jacobus van Biljon as a Director

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%                    1 513 233 588 being 99.81%     2 913 518 being 0.19%      1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 5: Approving Non-executive Directors’ fees

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 515 141 046 being 89.20%                    1 512 224 919 being 99.81%     2 916 127 being 0.19%      2 672 964 being 0.16%

 Ordinary resolution 6: General authority to issue shares for cash

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%                    1 224 860 961 being 80.79%     291 286 145 being 19.21%   1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 7: Control over unissued shares

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%                    1 253 312 241 being 82.66%     262 834 865 being 17.34%   1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Ordinary resolution 8: Authority for Directors and/or the Company Secretary to implement resolutions

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%                    1 506 941 190 being 99.39%     9 205 916 being 0.61%      1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Non-binding resolution 1: Non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policy

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 515 138 387 being 89.20%                    1 349 740 435 being 89.08%     165 397 952 being 10.92%   2 675 623 being 0.16%

 Non-binding resolution 2: Non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration implementation report

 Shares voted*                                 For                            Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 144 447 being 89.26%                    1 364 104 417 being 89.97%     152 040 030 being 10.03%   1 669 563 being 0.10%

 Extraordinary resolution 1: Approval of the repurchase of shares

 Shares voted*                                 For⁺                           Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%                    1 461 563 405 being 96.40%     54 583 701 being 3.60%     1 666 904 being 0.10%

 Extraordinary resolution 2: Amendments to the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association

 Shares voted*                                 For˭                           Against                    Abstentions^
 1 516 147 106 being 89.26%                    1 515 122 644 being 99.93%     1 024 462 being 0.07%      1 666 904 being 0.10%
* Shares voted (excluding abstentions) in relation to total shares in issue
^ In relation to total shares in issue
⁺ 86.04% in relation to total shares in issue
˭ 89.20% in relation to total shares in issue
26 April 2023

          JSE sponsor and corporate advisor                       Company Secretary

                                              Stonehage Fleming Malta Limited is a member of the Stonehage Fleming
                                                                      Group of Companies
                Tel: +27 11 722 3050                              Tel: +356 2144 6377