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Results of annual general meeting

Published: 2024-05-14 12:00:41 ET
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(Registered in Malta)
(Registration number: C 100848)
Share code: LTE
ISIN: MU0461N00015
LEI: 549300UG27SWRF0X2U62
(“Lighthouse” or the “Company”)


Shareholders of the Company are advised that all resolutions tabled at the annual general meeting (“AGM”) of shareholders held
on Tuesday, 14 May 2024 (in terms of the notice of AGM (“Notice of AGM”) dispatched to shareholders on 16 April 2024), were
passed by the requisite majority of shareholders.

Details of the results of voting at the AGM are as follows:

    •    total number of Lighthouse shares in issue at the date of the AGM and that could have been voted at the AGM:
         1 830 409 794;
    •    total number of Lighthouse shares that were present/represented at the AGM: 1 449 592 184 being 79,19% of the total
         number of Lighthouse shares that could have voted at the AGM.

Terms defined in the Notice of AGM shall bear the same meaning in this announcement.

 Ordinary resolution number 1: Receiving and adopting the audited consolidated and separate financial statements for the
 financial year ended 31 December 2023
 Shares voted*                      For                             Against                         Abstentions#
 1 448 109 290, being 79,11%        1 448 109 290, being 100%       Nil                             1 482 894, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 2: Reappointment of the Auditor

 Shares voted*                      For                             Against                         Abstentions#
 1 448 106 290, being 79,11%        1 448 106 290, being 100%       Nil                             1 485 894, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 3: Authorising directors to determine the Auditor’s remuneration

 Shares voted*                      For                             Against                         Abstentions#
 1 448 106 290, being 79,11%        1 448 106 290, being 100%       Nil                             1 485 894, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 4.1: Re-election of Desmond de Beer as a Director

 Shares voted*                      For                             Against                         Abstentions#
 1 448 106 290, being 79,11%        1 445 593 137, being 99,83%     2 513 153, being 0,17%          1 485 894, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 4.2: Re-election of Justin Muller as a Director

 Shares voted*                      For                             Against                         Abstentions#
 1 448 106 290, being 79,11%        1 448 054 499, being 99,99%     51 791, being 0,01%             1 485 894, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 5: Approving Non-Executive Directors’ fees

 Shares voted*                      For                             Against                         Abstentions#
 1 448 106 290, being 79,11%        1 446 781 019, being 99,91%     1 325 271, being 0,09%          1 485 894, being 0,08%
 Ordinary resolution number 6: General authority to issue shares for cash

 Shares voted*                      For                                 Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 091 242, being 79,11%        1 180 385 750, being 81,51%         267 705 492, being 18,49%        1 500 942, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 7: Control over unissued shares

 Shares voted*                      For                                 Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 088 242, being 79,11%        1 185 331 535, being 81,85%         262 756 707, being 18,15%        1 503 942, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 8: Disposal of Hammerson shares

 Shares voted*                      For                                 Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 109 290, being 79,11%        1 411 766 520, being 97,49%         36 342 770, being 2,51%          1 482 894, being 0,08%

 Ordinary resolution number 9: Authority for Directors and/or the Company Secretary to implement resolutions

 Shares voted*                      For                                 Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 106 290, being 79,11%        1 448 106 290, being 100%           Nil                              1 485 894, being 0,08%

 Non-binding resolution number 1: Non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration policy

 Shares voted*                      For                                 Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 091 242, being 79,11%        1 336 579 203, being 92,30%         111 512 039, being 7,70%         1 500 942, being 0,08%

 Non-binding resolution number 2: Non-binding advisory vote on the remuneration implementation report

 Shares voted*                      For                                 Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 091 242, being 79,11%        1 357 093 433, being 93,72%         90 997 809, being 6,28%          1 500 942, being 0,08%

 Extraordinary resolution number 1: Approval of the repurchase of shares

 Shares voted*                      For^                                Against                          Abstentions#
 1 448 109 290, being 79,11%        1 369 246 896, being 94,55%         78 862 394, being 5,45%          1 482 894, being 0,08%
* shares voted (excluding abstentions) in relation to total shares in issue
# in relation to total shares in issue
  74,80% in relation to total shares in issue (applicable to extraordinary resolutions)

14 May 2024

              JSE sponsor and corporate advisor                                           Company Secretary

                                                                                  Stonehage Fleming Malta Limited
                      Tel: +27 11 722 3050                                                Tel: +356 2144 6377