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Results Of General Meeting

Published: 2024-09-20 12:37:29 ET
<<<  go to JSE:GPL company page
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number: 1997/003548/06)
Share code: GPL
ISIN: ZAE000119814
(“GPI” or “the Company”)


Unless expressly defined, capitalised terms herein have the same meaning given to them in
the Circular.

Shareholders are referred to the announcement released by GPI on SENS on 6 August 2024,
and the Circular dated 22 August 2024 advising shareholders of the GPI Women’s BBBEE
Empowerment Trust’s (being a B-BBEE ownership entity), proposed purchase of 8,310,834
GPI shares from GPI's wholly owned subsidiary, GPI Management Services Proprietary
Limited, (“BEE Specific Issue”).

Shareholders are advised that all the resolutions proposed at the General Meeting (“GM”) held
today, 20 September 2024, were approved by the requisite majority of votes. The voting
results were as follows:

 Resolution           Votes for    Votes         Number        Number of      Number of
 proposed at          resolutio    against       of shares     shares         shares
 the GM               n as a       resolution    voted at      voted at       abstained
                      percenta     as a          GM            GM as a        as a
                      ge of        percentag                   percentage     percentage
                      total        e of total                  of shares      of shares
                      number       number of                   in issue*      in issue*
                      of shares    shares
                      voted at     voted at
                      GM           GM
 Ordinary             99.98%       0.02%         365 154 592   78.19%         0%
 Number 1
 Authority to
 issue the BEE
 Specific Issue
 Shares in terms
 of the BEE
 Specific Issue
 Special              99.98%       0.02%         365 154 592   78.19%         0%
 Number 1
 Authority to
 provide the BEE
 Funding in
 terms of
 sections 44
(3)(a)(ii) and
45(3)(a)(ii) of
the Companies

*The total number of shares in issue at the date of the GM was 467 018 824,
of which 24 496 130 were treasury shares.

Cape Town
20 September 2024

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